FOcus on transport and Logistics
Our regular columns and sections are all contributions from leading industry figures.
Navigating political uncertainty
Navigating political uncertainty July 21, 2023 Policy uncertainty increases risk, garners negative investor sentiment, inhibits growth, and impedes clear decision making and forward planning....
Beware the signals we send…
Beware the signals we send… July 14, 2023 Capital investments, much like water, follow the path of least resistance. CHRIS HATTINGH warns that if...
Corridor Management Institutions needed for efficient cross-border trade
Corridor Management Institutions needed for efficient cross-border trade July 25, 2023 Corridor Management Institutions are vitally important for efficient cross-border trade, writes DEVLYN NAIDOO....
Logistics in crisis!
Logistics in crisis! July 28, 2023 The South African economy and logistics system is underperforming at zero GDP growth and there are no plans...
RFA condemns truck attacks
RFA condemns truck attacks July 10, 2023 The Road Freight Association (RFA) cannot believe that the scenes that unfolded on the N3 highway in...
We don’t talk anymore
We don’t talk anymore July 6, 2023 Do you believe that trucks “talk” to drivers, or that roads “talk” to trucks? JIM WARD believes...
Are quality regulations an exercise in futility?
Are quality regulations an exercise in futility? May 31, 2023 An effective harmonised “quality regulation” system was mooted back in 2010. What has happened...
Catalysing SA Inc as a supply chain
Catalysing SA Inc as a supply chain May 31, 2023 South Africa needs to catalyse its supply chain, and DEVLYN NAIDOO explains how this...
Never a dull moment…
Never a dull moment… June 21, 2023 The Minister of Transport tabled the Transport Budget Vote last month with an allocation of R79.565 billion...
Cry our beloved drivers
Cry our beloved drivers June 26, 2023 I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m getting so tired of reading about corruption...
How does the Consumer Goods and Services Ombud affect transport operators?
How does the Consumer Goods and Services Ombud affect transport operators? June 19, 2023 The Consumer Goods and Services Industry Code and accreditation of...
RFA Convention abuzz with ideas
RFA Convention abuzz with ideas June 13, 2023 As the dust settles on the annual Road Freight Association Convention, NICCI SCOTT-ANDERSON reflects on a...