
Political risks and violence: how to be prepared

Political risks and violence: how to be prepared November 11, 2021 Businesses in South Africa experienced major losses in July. They had to contend with physical damage, business interruption, a loss of revenue, looting, vandalism caused by civil commotion, protests and riots, which resulted in about $3,4 billion in lost output and placed 150 000 jobs at risk. Transport operators were especially hard hit. This is what companies can do to manage the risk. Political risks and violence ranked as a […]

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CIMC: lowering TCO for operators

CIMC: lowering TCO for operators November 10, 2021 Every prudent transport operator works towards achieving the lowest possible total cost of ownership (TCO). Gavin Aboud, Sales Manager at CIMC Vehicles SA, explains that trailers can play a pivotal role in this quest. According to Aboud, CIMC Vehicles SA has been producing trailers that elevate the level of quality and service currently seen in the industry in South Africa since September 2015. “Our focus is on constantly refining our trailers to […]

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New Truck Generation from MAN roars into South Africa

New Truck Generation from MAN roars into South Africa November 10, 2021 Following the highly successful launch of MAN’s new Truck Generation (TG) range of trucks in Europe last year, MAN has launched its new TG range of trucks for customers in South Africa. PIERRE SANSON reports that the new vehicles reflect MAN’s customer-centric approach and are designed to meet their operational requirements – for today and for the future. The South African launch, held at the Zwartkops racing circuit, […]

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Tech-savvy safety: rail transport’s saviour?

Tech-savvy safety: rail transport’s saviour? November 11, 2021 Hosted under the theme “Embracing the new normal through innovative and sustainable rail safety solutions”, this year’s annual Rail Safety Conference was held virtually. It featured compelling presentations from local and international rail experts from various disciplines on topics ranging from technology and sustainability to theft, vandalism and the impact of Covid-19. If the safe operation of passenger rail transport is given the attention and priority it deserves, it can be a […]

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Owner-drivers to the fore at Coca-Cola beverages South Africa

Owner-drivers to the fore at Coca-Cola November 10, 2021 The devastation of the pandemic and the destruction associated with the protests have meant that 2021 has been a challenging year for South Africa. Thanks to the invaluable support of owner-drivers, transport companies have been able to survive the impact of these adverse conditions… Following National Transport Month, which took place during October, logistics manager at Coca-Cola Beverages South Africa (CCBSA), Ndanganeni Adjei (pictured below), reflects on the need for companies […]

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Dropping a bomb on illegal mining

Dropping a bomb on illegal mining October 28, 2021 Enact senior researcher Richard Chelin and senior training coordinator Willem Els say* that it is essential to curb the trafficking of explosives to combat illegal mining syndicates. “Acting on a tip-off, a South African Police Service (SAPS) team arrived at an unoccupied mine on the outskirts of Johannesburg. It was a warm day and everything appeared calm above ground. Yet this routine inspection turned violent underground as battles erupted between the […]

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Last chance to enter IFOY

Last chance to enter IFOY! October 26, 2021 The application period for the International Intralogistics and Forklift Truck of the Year (IFOY) Award 2022 is about to close. Suppliers of products and solutions only have until October 30 to apply for this sought-after accolade. In addition to forklifts, warehouse technology and special vehicles, automated guided vehicles (AGVs), shuttles, robots, cargo bikes, drones, cranes, software and apps as well as successfully implemented, integrated warehouse solutions are also eligible for application. Outstanding […]

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Truck drivers: unsung heroes

Truck drivers: unsung heroes October 26, 2021 The truck accident in Johannesburg last month, in which a chemical tanker’s tyre burst, causing it to lose control and collide with other vehicles, is a reminder of the challenging environment truck drivers have to navigate in South Africa. Truck drivers on the road often have a negative reputation, despite their crucial role in moving goods. If an incident occurs, the general assumption is that the truck driver is at fault. However, countless […]

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Supply chain digitalisation: is it all good?

Supply chain digitalisation: is it all good? October 13, 2021 When supply chain digitalisation works well, it offers numerous benefits. However, it comes with pitfalls, as speakers at the recent digital SAPICS Conference noted… Digital transformation is at the top of most organisations’ agendas today. Supply chain digitalisation aims to leverage digital technologies to ensure that supply chains are more connected, have end-to-end visibility, and are more resilient, flexible, efficient and cost-effective than ever. That’s the aim, but according to […]

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Solutions for changing business environments

Solutions for changing business environments October 13, 2021 The global business environment is ever-changing – and the change happens at a rapid pace. To survive during these troubling times, businesses and their partners must continually adapt to give themselves an edge over the competition. Ctrack has the solution … Anyone who wants to operate vehicles efficiently needs information. Having the correct information in a tangible format is essential to making the right decisions. “No matter what industry your business operates […]

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