FOcus on transport and Logistics
Our regular columns and sections are all contributions from leading industry figures.
Advice for Bombardier
I think it’s a great idea for major suppliers of public transport equipment to express opinions on how to improve the industry, but a...
Why micromanagement is a transporter’s friend
Operating a commercial vehicle in South Africa has become a tough business with continual rising costs and lower profit margins To minimise...
Free trade and flourishing economies?
A continent-wide free trade area for Africa can only be a good thing – if the governments of the continent can focus on the...
Barriers to transport and trade
The road-freight industry faces a continual barrage of new charges and regulations, while there is minimal assistance in removing the many obstacles to efficiency...
Fortune favours the bold
This is the 85th column I’ve written for FOCUS since I became the publication’s assistant editor back in May 2012 – and not for...
Bauma 2019: just brilliant!
Bauma 2019 smashed all its records – from the number of visitors to the floor space occupied. I braved the crowds (and, believe me,...
Innovation this, innovation that
“There’s no need to reinvent the wheel,” some are often heard saying. In transport, though, the only wheels that don’t need (too much) reinventing...
Risk management in supply chain
The landscape for managing risk has changed. Following the 2008 financial crisis, people no longer have the same amount of trust in companies Being...
An eye on the elections
How will the outcome of the May general elections affect the transport industry? It certainly feels as though the South African economy has stumbled...
Crashed interstate trade
The reports from Fesarta members of the current situation on the main road corridors of the region make a mockery of the fanfare and...
Preparing for winter on the road
It is important for trucks and drivers to be ready to handle harsh winter driving conditions Driving a truck in winter conditions can be...
Have we learnt anything since 2015?
How did we allow Eskom, SAA and e-tolls to get us into such a mess? We are all partly to blame for our failure...