Get the best bang for your used truck buck

Get the best bang for your used truck buck

Purchasing a used heavy commercial vehicle (HCV) such as a truck can be a cost-effective solution for many businesses. However, it’s crucial to be diligent and informed to ensure you get a reliable vehicle that offers the best value for your investment. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the process of buying a used truck.

Define Your Needs

Before diving into the market, clearly define your search parameters. Knowing your specific needs will narrow your search and help you find a truck that fits your operational requirements. Consider the following:

  • Type of truck: Do you need a dump truck, box truck, flatbed, or another vehicle type?
  • Payload capacity: What is the maximum weight the truck needs to carry?
  • Route and terrain: Will the truck be used for long-haul trips, city deliveries, or off-road conditions?
  • Fuel type: Diesel is, of course, common for heavy trucks, but alternatives like natural gas or electric might be available.

Research and Budget

Conduct thorough research on various truck models, their reliability, and common issues; a great way to do this is to read back issues of FOCUS. Establish a budget that includes not only the purchase price, but also potential repair and maintenance costs. Websites like offer valuable insights and information when it comes to used commercial vehicles.

Consider buying a truck from one of the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that also sell used trucks. OEMs often refurbish their trucks to an extremely high level, and they sometimes offer appealing warranties too.

Inspect the Vehicle

A detailed inspection is vital. Here’s what to look for:

  • Exterior condition: Check for rust, dents, and other signs of damage. Inspect the frame and undercarriage for corrosion or repairs.
  • Engine and transmission: Listen for unusual noises, check for leaks, and look at the oil and coolant levels. A mechanic should perform a compression test and inspect the transmission for smooth operation.
  • Mileage: High mileage isn’t necessarily a deal-breaker if the truck has been well-maintained. However, it can indicate potential upcoming repairs.
  • Suspension and brakes: Inspect the condition of the springs, shocks, and braking system. Worn out suspension or brakes can be costly to repair.
  • Tyres: Check for even wear and sufficient tread depth. Uneven wear could indicate alignment issues.
  • Interior and cab: Ensure the cab is comfortable and functional. Check the condition of the seats, controls, and instruments.

Review Maintenance Records

A well-maintained truck is less likely to have hidden problems. Ask for and review the vehicle’s maintenance records. Look for regular oil changes, brake checks, and other routine services. A documented maintenance history typically indicates a well-cared-for vehicle.

Test Drive

A test drive is crucial to assess the truck’s performance. Pay particular attention to:

  • Engine performance: The engine should start easily, idle smoothly, and accelerate without hesitation.
  • Transmission shifts: Shifts should be smooth, without grinding or slipping.
  • Steering and handling: The truck should track straight and respond to steering inputs without excessive play.
  • Braking: Brakes should be responsive and stop the vehicle smoothly.
  • Comfort and noise levels: Ensure the cab is comfortable and check for unusual noises or vibrations.

Consider a Professional Inspection

Hiring a certified mechanic or a professional inspector to examine the truck can provide additional peace of mind. They can identify issues that may not be apparent to the untrained eye and give you an expert opinion on the truck’s condition.

Negotiate the Price

Armed with your research and inspection results, you’re in a much stronger position to negotiate the price. Be prepared to walk away if the seller is unwilling to meet your terms. Remember, there are plenty of trucks available, and patience can lead to a better deal.

Check for Warranty or Guarantee

Some used trucks may come with a limited warranty or guarantee. This can be a valuable addition, providing coverage for certain repairs or issues within a specified period. Be sure to always read the fine print to understand exactly what is covered.

Finalise the Purchase

Once you’re satisfied with the truck’s condition and price, complete all the necessary paperwork. Don’t forget to secure the appropriate insurance coverage before driving the truck.

Buying a used HCV requires careful consideration and thorough evaluation. By defining your needs, conducting diligent research, and performing detailed inspections, you can find a reliable truck that provides the best value for your investment. Remember, taking the time to follow these steps can save you from costly mistakes and ensure the operational efficiency and safety of your business.

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Focus on Transport

FOCUS on Transport and Logistics is the oldest and most respected transport and logistics publication in southern Africa.
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