
Border Trade in Danger at Beitbridge

Border Trade in Danger at Beitbridge March 22, 2021 In the wake of all the damage caused by the border authorities trying to block Covid-19, the freight transport industry faces yet another series of administrative crossed wires in the development of a One-Stop Border Post Policy (OSBP) focused on Beitbridge, warns NICK PORÉE. The Border Management Act 2 of 2020 (BMA) (Gazette No. 43536) was a dubious policy measure to shift the control of borders to the Department of Home […]

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Transport costs strangle economic growth

Transport costs strangle economic growth February 19, 2021 The administered costs of input factors to road freight transport (and many industries) are contributing to the poor economic performance of the countries using South African transport services. So says NICK PORÉE, who warns that consequences of these excessive costs can be dire. These transport costs will have an obstructive influence on the various treaties to increase the current proportions of interstate trade in Africa. Within the ambit of South African road […]

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Anarchy and control in commercial road transport

Anarchy and control in commercial road transport December 16, 2020 It hasn’t been a good year for road transport in southern Africa, writes NICK PORÉE… In South Africa, there are 380 000 registered heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) operating within the country, of which about 70% are operated by businesses for own account, or by owner-drivers, which are not subject to the industry Bargaining Council. This partially explains why the Bargaining Council only records 44 021 local and 6 756 foreign […]

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Can regional trade recover post-Covid?

Can regional trade recover post-Covid? October 20, 2020 There is much that needs to be done to facilitate smooth regional trade post-Covid The African Continental Free Trade Area is scheduled to go into operation in January 2021, thereby theoretically providing a historic opportunity to deepen trade and economic integration. A recent IMF Working Paper on competition, competitiveness and growth in Sub-Saharan Africa gives empirical evidence that, compared to other policy actions, trade liberalisation appears to be a particularly potent tool […]

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Obstacles and solutions for regional trade

Obstacles and solutions for regional trade September 21, 2020 The current method of moving goods in intraregional and interregional trade in the East and Southern Africa (ESA) region is inefficient and expensive in comparison with international best practice The significant improvements that have been achieved in East Africa reflect the potential for coordination between countries, but the changes have been largely implemented by the authorities, not the transport industry. Interstate trade throughout the ESA region has not yet benefited from […]

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Covid-19 and the transport industry: complete chaos!

Covid-19 and the transport industry: complete chaos! July 9, 2020 Covid-19 has had a massive impact on the transport industry! It has also revealed the total unpreparedness of the authorities and the industry to contain disastrous trade disruptions. The responses of authorities in the region have been varied and generally based on the World Health Organization’s recommendations to lock down the populations in order to suppress the spread of the virus. This has included total closure of industrial production apart […]

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