

FOcus on transport and Logistics

Our regular columns and sections are all contributions from leading industry figures.

June 25, 2024

Mkhulu and the AMG

Mkhulu and the AMG May 30, 2024 Soon after the light first appeared in the rearview mirror – faintly blue-tinted and exceptionally bright –...

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June 25, 2024

Transporting people in a goods compartment

Transporting people in a goods compartment May 29, 2024 It’s something we see daily in South Africa: people on the back of bakkies and...

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June 25, 2024

Corridors or Corridas?

Corridors or Corridas? May 31, 2024 What do road freight corridors and a Spanish corrida have in common? A lot more than you would...

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June 25, 2024

Navigating towards an intact SA logistics network

Navigating towards an intact SA logistics network June 13, 2024 An intact logistics network is essential for the survival of the country, says DEVLYN...

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June 25, 2024

Unpacking SA’s ports and logistics crises

Unpacking SA’s ports and logistics crises June 18, 2024 The leading event in Africa for supply chain professionals, the 46th annual SAPICS Conference, was...

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June 25, 2024

Elections done and dusted: what now?

Elections done and dusted: what now? June 4, 2024 The elections are done and dusted and many South Africans are probably heaving a sigh...

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June 25, 2024

Metallica makes musical magic: Nothing Else Matters

Metallic makes musical magic: Nothing Else Matters June 13, 2024 I love my job. One of many reasons why is the opportunity to enjoy...

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May 21, 2024

Policy change or a mere shift?

Policy change or a mere shift? April 30, 2024 Can South Africa’s railways be resurrected? NICK PORÉE says the future of the economy depends...

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May 21, 2024

Supply chain disruptions on the high seas

Supply chain disruptions on the high seas May 1, 2024 The vast majority of goods are still transported by sea. According to SAPICS (The...

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May 21, 2024

For want of a nail

For want of a nail May 6, 2024 There are some valuable lessons to be learnt from nursery rhymes, says Jim Ward. Those lessons...

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May 21, 2024

When good truckers go bad

When good truckers go bad May 14, 2024 A shocking book has revealed a gruesome pattern of women being murdered by truck drivers! Regular...

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May 21, 2024

Bus industry B-BBEE stalemate

Bus industry B-BBEE stalemate May 21, 2024 SHARMINI NAIDOO writes that the bus industry is experiencing little good news, considerable uncertainty, and much frustration...

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