Shaping the future: from Siloed IoT to AIoT

Shaping the future: from Siloed IoT to AIoT

The intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) has given rise to a new technological frontier: the Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT). MiX by Powerfleet is harnessing the potential of AIoT to demolish the siloed approach to digital devices.

This transformative era encompasses a transition from isolated IoT devices into a network, ultimately evolving and maturing into seamless intelligence integration. The culmination of this journey is the emergence of AIoT – a revolution that will reshape interactions and redefine experiences across various industries and businesses.

In the early stages of IoT development, devices largely operated in isolation. This was known as Siloed IoT. These devices collected data and performed tasks, but were limited by their inability to share insights and communicate with each other. For instance, a telematics system had sensors collecting data on vehicle speed, location, and engine health, while environmental sensors monitored conditions such as temperature and humidity inside cargo holds. Despite their capacity to gather valuable data, these sensors collected and monitored their data in isolation, without synthesising or communicating it. This period saw an explosion of smart devices, yet their potential for working together remained untapped.

“The shift from Siloed IoT to AIoT shows the immense potential of emerging connectivity with intelligence. This evolution, which began with isolated sensing systems, has now become a dynamic ecosystem powered by AI. The impact that AI and IoT – together – will have on our lives will be significant; it will reshape our industries and enhance our daily lives,” says Henry Smith, MiX by Powerfleet fleet sales director.

AIoT represents the peak of this evolution, combining AI and IoT to enable autonomous operations and fully connected experiences. Autonomy is becoming key, empowering systems to independently determine and implement the most effective actions. For example, vehicle sensors can capture real-time data, while AI algorithms analyse this information to make decisions on route optimisation, speed adjustment, and maintenance scheduling. This ensures peak performance, safety, and efficiency, requiring little to no human intervention.

Additionally, environmental sensors possess the capability to autonomously initiate actions, such as adjusting temperature settings or activating dehumidifiers to maintain optimal conditions. This system moves from a reactive stance – merely responding to changes – to a proactive one, consistently maintaining a stable environment. This fusion plays a crucial role in optimising energy consumption, reducing waste, and promoting sustainability across various sectors.

“We strongly believe Powerfleet’s ‘Unity’ strategy and our combined scale perfectly position us to revolutionise the mobile asset IOT SaaS industry and drive transformative growth,” emphasises Smith. “Powerfleet has been – and will continue to be – at the forefront of this evolution, bringing AIoT to life.

“Unity goes beyond traditional telematics. Capable of ingesting and integrating with any IoT device and sensor, OEM, or business system, Unity uses AI-led data harmonisation to transform disconnected data into usable insights for smarter decision-making and business improvement,” he adds. “This is AIoT in action: unifying business operations to help you save lives, time, and money.”  

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Focus on Transport

FOCUS on Transport and Logistics is the oldest and most respected transport and logistics publication in southern Africa.
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