REVEALED: the ridiculously weak passwords used in logistics and transportation

REVEALED: the ridiculously weak passwords used in logistics and transportation

According to research, logistics and transportation industries’ employees use shockingly weak passwords! This is revealed by new research by NordPass. This is obviously very bad news: weak passwords make it very easy for hackers to access accounts!

These are the top 10 passwords in the logistics and transportation industries:

  1. Company name*
  2. password
  3. 123456
  4. aaron431
  5. Company name01*
  6. Company name123*
  7. Xxx company name*
  8. LinkedIn
  9. Company name123*
  10. Company name1*

* This password is a company name or a variation (e.g., Company name2002). We are not naming the exact company.

The researchers analysed data from public third-party breaches that affected Fortune 500 companies. In total, the analysed data included 15,6 million breaches and was categorised into 17 different industries. The researchers looked into the top 10 passwords used in each industry, the percentile of unique passwords, and the number of data breaches affecting each industry.

Weak passwords and data breaches

Simple passwords are very dangerous to all users, but businesses and their employees need to take extra care when it comes to cybersecurity. For example, back in February, a water treatment facility in Florida had a serious computer breach. The company used an unsupported version of Windows with no firewall and shared the same TeamViewer password among its employees. And in December 2020, SolarWinds suffered from a big data breach, reportedly due to protecting one of their servers with the password “solarwinds123”.

“Businesses and their employees have a duty to protect their customers’ data. A weak password of one employee could potentially jeopardise the whole company if an attacker used the breached password to gain access to sensitive data,” says Chad Hammond, security expert at NordPass.

Data breaches cost a LOT!

According to an IBM report, an average global cost of a data breach is $3,86 million (roughly R55,3 million). However, a data breach in the healthcare industry costs much more – $7,13 million (R102 million). And out of all countries, data breaches in US-based companies are the most expensive — $8,64 million (R123,81 million). According to Statista, the cost consists of things such as lost business resulting from diminished trust or confidence of customers; costs related to detection, escalation and notification of the breach; and ex-post response activities, such as credit report monitoring.

In addition, countries in the European Union face GDPR fines, which are a maximum of €20 million (R346,16 million) or 4% of the annual global turnover, whichever is greater.

How can businesses increase their password hygiene?

  1. Create complex and unique passwords, update them regularly and store them in a password manager.

Adopting a password manager for company-wide use is your best bet to maintain the security of your business accounts. A password management solution provides a secure way to store, share and manage passwords in a single place.

  1. Use multi-factor authentication or single sign-on

Companies should use multi-factor authentication where available for an added layer of security. Another great idea is to leverage single sign-on and password synchronisation. With single sign-on, employees are less likely to revert to bad password practices, such as creating common passwords or writing them down.

  1. Educate your employees

It’s important to note that employees should avoid mixing their work and personal accounts. This ensures not only that your personal identity is protected, but also that any information related to your employer is safeguarded in the event of a breach.

Breaches can extend beyond personal accounts, potentially exposing the enterprise too. Data breaches can create a domino effect across multiple organisations through the reuse of credentials across personal and business accounts.

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Focus on Transport

FOCUS on Transport and Logistics is the oldest and most respected transport and logistics publication in southern Africa.
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