Last chance to voice your opinion on Aarto

Gauteng motorists will receive a last opportunity to provide their inputs and express their concerns with the Aarto Amendment Bill, which primarily seeks to migrate traffic fines completely out of the jurisdiction of the courts and into a purely administrative system.

The Gauteng Provincial Legislature is holding public hearings on the Aaarto Amendment Bill at three venues around Gauteng in the coming weeks:

Date Venue Area
March 22
Braamfontein Conference and Recreation Centre,
Cnr Harrison and Smit Street, Braamfontein
March 26
Vereeniging Community Hall,
Cnr. Leslie and Beaconsfield Avenue, Vereeniging
March 28
Stanza Bopape Community Centre, Mamelodi East,
Rammapudu Street, Ext 5, Mamelodi East 1

All public hearings commence at 16:00.

Howard Dembovsky, national chairman Justice Project South Africa, notes: “No email address has been provided for written submissions, but since the chairperson of the Roads and Transport Portfolio Committee at the Gauteng Provincial Legislature is apparently Mr. M. Mgcina, we are assuming that written submissions may be addressed to him via the Committee’s coordinator, who appears to be Mr Sithembiso Mthiyane, and whose email address is”

“JPSA encourages anyone who holds a driving licence and/or is the registered owner of a motor vehicle to take the time to read the Aarto Amendment Bill and participate in the public hearings. The Bill presumes motorists to be guilty from the second a traffic fine is issued. A points-demerit system also forms a part of the Aarto Act.

“A copy of the Bill and an easy to understand summary of its more salient points is available at,” he concludes.

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Focus on Transport

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