Imperial updates CarLo to version 2.73

Imperial updates CarLo to version 2.73

Several African branches of Imperial Logistics are now working with the new version of the CarLo logistics software – updating from version 2.63 (used from 2018) to version 2.73. The migration of Order Entry and Transport Planning from the Delphi functionality to the CarLo.NET framework also took place.

Imperial has been using the transport management system – developed by Soloplan – since 2017. Specialising in software for the logistics sector, Soloplan has 210 employees, operates in locations worldwide and has 1 200 customers with more than 25 000 CarLo users.

Imperial Logistics wants to strategically position itself as the “Gateway to Africa” in the medium to long term and, in this endeavour, is building on its cooperation with the German premium manufacturer of logistics software.

About 350 Imperial employees work with CarLo in transport planning and distribution. By using the advanced and automated process support in CarLo, they plan and efficiently integrate approximately thousands of orders each year.

With the adoption of CarLo version 2.73 and the associated migration to Order Entry and Transport Planning in .NET, many specifications can now be implemented, and improvements of the individual processes achieved.

The diverse integration possibilities that CarLo offers are of particular importance to Imperial. For instance, the company can integrate important components such as consignment tracking or different financial systems in CarLo without any problems. Another aspect is the document management functionality integrated into CarLo, which allows the company to save all documents digitally. In this context, the integration of external portals through which orders can be entered by customers or data can be passed on to subcontractors is said to be of the utmost importance to the South African company group. Thanks to these connections, an electronic return of proof of delivery is generated, which is the basis for automated credit-note processes.

Another key element of the update was the integration of workflows and restrictions, which Imperial uses in order to recognise and avoid transport risks early. In the South African logistics market, the checking and validation of the transport insurance (GIT) is an elementary function used to make sure that every vehicle is sufficiently insured while transporting goods. CarLo not only simplifies the specification and management of the required insurance documents but also supports and guides the dispatchers responsible for the daily departure and delivery checks.

The migration to .NET and the update to CarLo version 2.73 were carried out by employees of Soloplan’s branch office in South Africa in close cooperation with the project management at Imperial Logistics. Thanks to smooth communication, a transparent execution, good preparation and the best possible support on both sides, the update was successfully carried out.

“Soloplan thanks everyone involved for the uncomplicated and pleasant cooperation and looks forward to actively supporting Imperial Logistics in their ‘Gateway to Africa’ project in the future as well,” says a spokesman for the company.

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Focus on Transport

FOCUS on Transport and Logistics is the oldest and most respected transport and logistics publication in southern Africa.
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