Engen Learn programme proving a major success

Engen, in collaboration with FUEL Online Training, is celebrating a record 3,5-million training interventions to Engen forecourt attendants around the country since 2013.

The training focuses on job skills and competencies related to customer service, as well as critical life skills, which can be accessed via an iPad training app.

Community support material created for Engen staff includes basic first aid, drug and alcohol abuse prevention and understanding money management. The programme has also offered 640 000 education interventions concerning people living with HIV/Aids.

“We are very excited by the level of success achieved by our programme. The Engen sites that implemented Engen Learn have delivered increased customer satisfaction,” says retail training academy manager, Renee Kemm.

The Engen Learn programme has received numerous national awards, including an award from Apple for innovation, the Future of HR Best Learning and Development Strategy award in 2017, and a Directors Best Choice nomination for the same award in 2018.

“This is a ground-breaking solution which, if nurtured, has the power to be a truly transformative force in South Africa. Our reach allows us to directly inspire thousands of employees, who, in turn, are empowered to impact on their families and communities,” adds Kemm.

Below are some comments received via survey from service station staff about Engen Learn:

“Ever since the introduction of Engen Learn, I have learnt so much and not only about the industry. I am happy to say am now debt free because I followed what I learned here.”

“When I started as a cashier it was just a job. The Engen Learn modules about the history of Engen fascinated me. Today, even the president is not as happy as I am in my job. All thanks to a simple app.”

“Engen Learn has taught me to be strong and resourceful manager, and it has given me some powerful life lessons especially when it comes to budgeting and being a responsible person in life.”

“I have learned to identify someone who uses substances. I learned how to budget. I have also learned how to deal with someone who is HIV positive.”

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Focus on Transport

FOCUS on Transport and Logistics is the oldest and most respected transport and logistics publication in southern Africa.
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