
Skills shortage could bring industry to its knees!

Skills shortage could bring industry to its knees! December 15, 2022 It is becoming more and more difficult to find people with the skills to keep trucks on the road. NICK PORÉE warns that the transport industry could find itself in dire straits as a result.  One of the most serious threats to the transport industry’s future (in all modes) is the increasing difficulty of maintaining and repairing vehicles and equipment, due to the decreasing availability of technical competence. The […]

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Transnet: a tale of woeful ways

Transnet: a tale of woeful ways October 28, 2022 The Transnet strike is but one of many reasons to shake one’s head in despair at the woeful condition of this state-owned enterprise, writes NICK PORÉE. Winston Churchill said of political inaction: “Want of foresight, unwillingness to act when action would be simple and effective, lack of clear thinking, confusion of counsel until the emergency comes until self-preservation strikes its jarring gong – these are the features which constitute the endless […]

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The road ahead: freeway or potholed track?

The road ahead: freeway or potholed track? October 5, 2022 From a country without roads to a country without hope. That’s the sad picture painted by NICK PORÉE in this fascinating article…  Before 1652, there were no wheels or roads in Southern Africa. But freight transport developed rapidly from the small beginnings in the coastal colonies, with dependence on the ox wagon for the movement of goods. The growth of industries provided a continual motivation for improved transport. This was […]

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Showdown looms in the ANC corral

Showdown looms in the ANC corral August 24, 2022 An analysis of the Transnet financial accounts provides gloomy reading, says NICK PORÉE, who believes that the prospects for transport in South Africa look equally dismal. The recent publication of the Transnet financial accounts has revealed that the entity has incurred significant further losses in the past year totalling about R5 billion, despite the innovative accounting which revalued the outdated, deteriorated, and often unusable assets. The process echoes the issues at […]

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National irrationality

National irrationality August 4, 2022 South Africa is experiencing an economic crisis of devastating proportions, with little evidence of rational analysis or corrective action by the ruling authorities, warns NICK PORÉE. The continual appeals and recommendations by economists, industry, social activists, and opposition parties are being rejected in defence of an outdated and dystopian ideological model. Economic policy ignores the statistical evidence of the extent of the costs, decay, and collapse of almost all government services, including municipal, railway, ports, […]

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South African economy under threat

South African economy under threat July 7, 2022 Freight transport volumes are a reliable barometer of the level of economic activity in industries or countries. NICK PORÉE warns that the freight logistics industry is becoming the most visible symptom of South Africa’s unrealistic economic policies. The near collapse of railways, inefficiencies of ports, and now the rapidly escalating barriers to road freight are having negative impacts on the economy. Due to the reliance on road transport, the current activities of […]

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Freedom vs freedom from competence

Freedom vs freedom from competence June 1, 2022 Back in April, South Africans celebrated Freedom Day. However, the situation in which the country finds itself certainly doesn’t warrant any celebrations, warns NICK PORÉE. While we celebrated Freedom Day in South Africa, we must recognise that the politicians continually create delusions of freedom. In fact, “nothing is for Mahala”, and when it comes to the supply of goods and services, the state-owned monopolies are inefficient without the economic discipline of competition. […]

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Facing up to the reality of South African logistics

Facing up to the reality of South African logistics April 19, 2022 From deteriorating roads to chaotic ports and a failing rail network… the reality of South African logistics is anything but pretty. So says NICK PORÉE. The latest undercover gyrations in the government think-tank, hidden behind the “state of emergency”, have every likelihood of finally collapsing the economy. The Employment Equity Bill will create the same chaos in the private sector as cadre deployment has in the government. It […]

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Transport regulation in South Africa: an epic fail!

Transport regulation in South Africa: an epic fail! March 11, 2022 Commercial transport is largely unregulated in South Africa and, as NICK PORÉE points out, this is a recipe for disaster. Effective regulation of commercial transport in all modes is based on principles that provide the essential foundation to control standards of operation. The successful international regulation of shipping (via the International Maritime Organization), airlines (International Air Transport Association), and road freight (International Road Transport Union and organisations like the […]

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Lost in the forest

Lost in the forest February 9, 2022 Current planning and management of the South African economy can best be described by the English idiom “they can’t see the wood for the trees”. Furthermore, it is mirrored in the Zulu expression “dukuza”, meaning “to grope about in a dark forest”. That’s according to NICK PORÉE… Why do I say this? Well, current planning has illogical objectives and unworkable processes, while senior officials appear to think that money grows on trees. The […]

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