Independent Chinese truck drivers are struggling despite growth in the gig economy, while the government plans to revive its ancient Silk Road trade route. MARISKA MORRIS investigates the situation in China. In March 2015, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang unveiled the Internet Plus plan. According to China Daily, its purpose is “to integrate mobile internet, cloud computing big data, and the Internet of Things with modern manufacturing, to encourage the healthy development of e-commerce, industrial networks and internet banking, while getting […]
There is no denying that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is living in the future with its smart cities and innovative approaches to transport and logistics. MARISKA MORRIS investigates From tall, glimmering buildings to a static ocean liner, which acts as a hotel, the UAE not only looks like a city from the future, but always seems to be one step ahead of the rest of the region. Transport and logistics in the UAE are no exception. The country is […]
From innovations in packaging and labelling to certification and quality assurance, the food and beverage industry gathered at the Food and Drink Technology (FDT) Africa Expo to learn more about all the latest innovations and services in the industry. MARISKA MORRIS reports. The FDT Africa Expo was held at the Gallagher Convention Centre in Midrand, Gauteng, from September 4 to 6. Various service providers in the food and beverage industry gathered to exhibit their service or product offering and discuss […]
It is often up to the bakkie, van or light truck to make the difficult and time-sensitive last-mile delivery. MARISKA MORRIS asks whether innovations in the sector might result in these light commercial vehicles (LCVs) becoming redundant From purchasing clothing online, having the monthly groceries delivered or simply ordering dinner from UberEats, society has become very reliant on the last-mile delivery – and subsequently LCVs. This dependency has its own challenges. Last-mile delivery is considered the most expensive leg of […]
Taking meticulous care to comply with legislation is important, but this can be challenging with the fluid nature of policies in South Africa. MARISKA MORRIS takes a look at some of the transport legislation updates affecting bus operators There are a few changes awaiting the transport industry as the National Land Transport Act (NLTA) Amendment Bill and the Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences (Aarto) Amendment Bill appear before the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) for finalisation, with a few […]
With the bus rapid transit (BRT) systems in South Africa still relying heavily on subsidies and transporting far fewer passengers than their international peers, MARISKA MORRIS takes a look at the planned future of BRT in South Africa. Simply expanding highways and building roads will not be enough to keep up with the expected population growth for Johannesburg. Professor Jackie Walters, head of the University of Johannesburg’s Department of Transport and Supply Chain Management, notes that African cities are expected […]
The annual Road Freight Association (RFA) Conference was held in the Western Cape for the first time. It included discussions on the country’s economic and political outlook, competition law and the annual wage debates. The 2018 RFA Conference was held at the Arabella Hotel and Spa in Kleinmond, Hermanus, from May 27 to 29. The entrance to the luxurious hotel was framed with RFA banners and vehicles from Hino, MAN, DAF and Mercedes-Benz, including the new Actros. Delegates had the […]
Drive Risk, in partnership with Lytx, hosted its second Lytx DriveCam User Group Conference on May 14. MARISKA MORRIS attended to learn more about this technology and its benefits for South African transport operators. The Lytx DriveCam software records the interior and exterior of a vehicle, after which the footage is analysed and sent to Lytx clients. Drive Risk is the sole distributor of Lytx products in South Africa and offers maintenance and software support to South African Lytx customers. […]
Long-distance truck drivers who engage in intercourse with female sex workers, operating along the main highways in South Africa, are vulnerable to contracting HIV/Aids. What is the best way to test for this disease? An estimated 12,6 percent of South Africans (or seven-million people) have HIV, according to the 2017 mid-year statistics published by StatsSA. The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/Aids estimates that there were 290 000 new HIV infections in South Africa in 2016 with 140 000 Aids-related deaths. Despite […]