Accurate fuel consumption measurement even more important with coronavirus
Given the many challenges we’re facing with the coronavirus, monitoring the fuel consumption of a fleet is more important than ever before. After all, fuel can represent anything from 40 to 60 percent of an operator’s running expenses.
When it comes to fuel monitoring, there are four types of fuel sensors in use today: flow-type sensors, CAN bus injector and float systems, float sensors and capacitive fuel sensors, which Ctrack maintains provide the most reliable means to monitor fuel use.
While many companies claim that they can measure fuel use accurately, Ctrack performed its own in-field testing and says that its new offering – the Ctrack Fuel Solution – is 98-percent accurate.
Specialised installation data is fed from the probe to the cloud-based environment and coupled to a Ctrack tracking device. Real-time location information allows operators to identify where fuel is being decreased and/or increased.
Ctrack’s digital dashboard shows the percentage of decreases, total number of increases and the average volume of increases and decreases. Users can select this information by date, driver or vehicle.
With the fuel management solution, Ctrack is now able to provide more accurate information on fuel usage, with real-time activity triggers, allowing fleet operators to act and, ultimately, save on costs and protect their assets.