

FOcus on transport and Logistics

Our regular columns and sections are all contributions from leading industry figures.

February 6, 2024

Risky business

Risky business January 16, 2024 As the world heads into 2024, over 50 elections are due to take place in countries with a combined...

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February 6, 2024

Bearing the load: safety for goods vehicles

Bearing the load: safety for goods vehicles January 23, 2024 Loads and persons must be carried on goods vehicles with due regard paid to...

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February 6, 2024

Structuring sustainability in Africa’s image

Structuring sustainability in Africa’s image February 5, 2024 At times, it feels a little bit like everyone is throwing all their eggs into the...

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February 6, 2024

Expectations for 2024

Expectations for 2024 January 16, 2024 The average new year’s resolution lasts just 3.74 months, according to the Forbes Health/One Poll survey for 2024. Only...

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February 6, 2024

Crafting human capital for contemporary supply chain needs

Crafting human capital for contemporary supply chain needs January 15, 2024 Transport and logistics play a critical role in transforming our economies. As early...

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December 14, 2023

Finding fumeiyo

Finding fumeiyo November 14, 2023 The Japanese phrase “fumeiyo yori shi” is composed of the words 不名誉 (“fumeiyo” meaning “dishonour”), より (“yori” meaning “more...

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December 14, 2023

Unpacked: motor vehicle chevrons

Unpacked: motor vehicle rear end chevrons November 30, 2023 Regulation 191 of the National Road Traffic Act, Act 93 of 1996, stipulates that warning...

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December 14, 2023

Logistics to play critical role in shift to e-mobility

Logistics to play critical role in shift to e-mobility December 1, 2023 While South Africa’s electricity crisis is cited by many as the reason...

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December 14, 2023

Transport and logistics in SA: well and truly broken

Transport and logistics in SA: well and truly broken December 1, 2023 Massive challenges abound within South Africa’s transport and logistics sector. NICK PORÉE...

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December 14, 2023

State troubles come home to roost

State troubles come home to roost December 5, 2023 The fiscal, skills, and management challenges facing the central government – along with various departments...

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December 14, 2023

Challenging Gender Norms: the path to Women’s Economic Empowerment

Challenging Gender Norms: the path to Women’s Economic Empowerment December 7, 2023 Is the transport industry in South Africa doing enough to uplift, empower,...

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December 14, 2023

2023: Tough on bus operators

2023: Tough on bus operators December 8, 2023 This year has not been an easy one for bus operators in South Africa. SHARMINI NAIDOO...

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