Fesarta Transist begins to gain traction
Fesarta’s Transist Bureau has been designed to help transport operators resolve problems on routes across southern Africa
The newly formed Fesarta Transist Bureau is starting to gain traction following its launch during transport month in October 2019. Several transport operators – representing mostly large, prominent fleets from Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia and South Africa – have joined, with some large trucking companies in Zambia also expected to sign up soon.
“We utilise the services offered by the Fesarta Transist Bureau to assist with any transport-related issues our company has in South Africa. On every occasion, problems have been resolved quickly, efficiently and effectively. We will continue to use Fesarta’s and Transist’s services as and when required,” says Adrian Chant of Alro Transport, Zimbabwe.
Services offered by the bureau include intervention in cases of harassment or corrupt activities by law enforcement agencies; the overturning of dubious fines incorrectly issued by traffic police and having them cancelled before they reach the courts; and mediation to expedite clearance procedures where border crossings are delayed in southern and eastern Africa..
Subsidiary services have been extended to include a National Fleet Assist programme that operates across all of South Africa, and which includes:
• 24-hour emergency roadside assistance that covers mechanical, auto-electrical and towing or recovery services, as well as weighbridge services;
• Tyre repair and replacement on all makes and models;
• Driver accommodation and driver loans.
Fesarta has partnered with a forensic investigator to help to combat transport-related crime such as truck hijackings and diesel theft, and to assist in the recovery of stolen vehicles and cargo. Future services will include a driver/transporter phone app to locate certified, secure truck parks.
The Transit Bureau’s membership fee structure has been designed to accommodate all sizes of fleets, based on the number of trucks or prime movers in the line-up. Members of National Road Transport Associations (NRTAs) – which form the core membership of Fesarta – receive a 10-percent discount on fees. Operators of:
• One to 10 trucks pay R250 per vehicle per annum, with a minimum fee of R2 500 per annum;
• 11 to 30 trucks pay R225 per vehicle per annum, with a minimum fee of R2 725 and a maximum fee of R6 750 per annum;
• 31 to 50 trucks pay R200 per vehicle per annum, with a minimum fee of R6 975 and a maximum fee of R10 000 per annum;
• 51 to 150 trucks pay R150 per vehicle per annum, with a minimum fee of R10 150 and maximum fee of R15 000 per annum;
• 151 plus trucks pay R100 per truck per annum, with a minimum fee of R15 100 and the maximum fee determined by the number of trucks in the fleet.
For more information contact:
Mike Fitzmaurice
Cell +27 60 978 7848
E-mail: mike@fesarta.com
Kelly John Barnet
Cell: +27 82 456 5033
E-mail: info@fesarta.com
Published by
Mike Fitzmaurice