Featured TMH 2023
Featured Transport manager's Handbook 2023
Our monthly features are designed to cover the core areas of interest within the commercial transport industry.
Specialised, Agile Shipping Ensures On-Time Vehicle Delivery and Boosts Economic Growth
Specialised, Agile Shipping Ensures On-Time Vehicle Delivery and Boosts Economic Growth January 31, 2023 The automotive sector is based on precision delivery. This means...
Don’t tire of tyres
Don’t tire of tyres February 1, 2023 As the second highest variable cost factor in a long-distance trucking operation, truck owners and fleet managers...
Ensure sobriety in the transport sector
Ensure sobriety in the transport sector February 1, 2023 While it is each employer’s own choice to decide whether their workplace policies will involve...
How to measure tyre tread depth
How to measure tyre tread depth February 1, 2023 Much confusion exists regarding the correct manner in which to measure tyre tread depth. This...
Does the 21-day grace period apply to truck licences?
Does the 21-day grace period apply to truck licences? February 3, 2023 The 21-day grace period after a motor vehicle licence expires applies to...
To park or not to park
To park or not to park February 6, 2023 Where can and cannot a truck park? Kevin van der Merwe, executive manager: certification &...
How to cost transport operations
How to cost transport operations February 10, 2023 Operating a commercial vehicle? NICK PORÉE has some invaluable advice for anyone entering – or wishing to...
RTMS unravelled
RTMS unravelled February 6, 2023 What is the RTMS (Road Transport Management System) and how does it benefit your organisation and the industry? RTMS is...
Scania charges ahead!
Scania charges ahead! February 2, 2023 Scania Southern Africa is leading the charge towards electric vehicles in an industry-first trial together with the...
It’s not only about the trucks; it’s the person in the seat
It’s not only about the trucks; it’s the person in the seat January 19, 2023 The insurance game isn’t only about trucks, trailers, and...
Freight operations management demystified
Freight operations management demystified January 18, 2023 https://focusontransport.co.za/wp-content/uploads/speaker/post-17442.mp3?cb=1677567943.mp3 It is extremely challenging to manage freight transport. NICK PORÉE demystifies the process with some easy-to-follow...
Financing – much more than a pricing decision
Financing – much more than a pricing decision January 17, 2023 https://focusontransport.co.za/wp-content/uploads/speaker/post-17447.mp3?cb=1677567942.mp3 Choosing the optimal bakkie, van, truck, bus, or coach is an important...