Farewell to André Cilliers
Farewell to André Cilliers
André Cilliers, managing director of BPW Axles, is retiring with effect from June 30, 2021. I would like to pay tribute to someone who I regard as one of the trucking industry’s nicest guys.
In my decades of writing about the transport industry, I’ve really been blessed. Not only have I got to drive some of the most incredible vehicles on the planet but, more importantly, I have met some truly amazing people.
André Cilliers is one such person. Honestly, you couldn’t wish to meet a nicer individual. However, André isn’t just nice. He’s also immensely capable and – in his role as MD of BPW Axles for the past 22 years – he has done an extraordinary job.
He joined BPW Axles in August 1999, taking over from Erich Gehrke who was retiring. There were many highlights during his tenure. During 2005 (the year in which BPW Axles turned 60 years old) a first extension of 2 000 m2 to the 4 000 m2 factory and office building was required to increase capacity. A semi-automated axle assembly line was installed as well as a welding robot (which replaced manual welding).
In 2013 another substantial extension to the factory was necessary. “We bought the neighbouring property, demolished the buildings and consolidated the property with our own. This accommodated a 6 000 m2 extension, which added more warehouse space and increased the production area,” André says.
Three years later, another milestone occurred. “In 2016 we acquired a controlling share in JMR Trailer Parts (today known as JMR Transport Solutions). They are one of our biggest spare parts distributors and, through a further acquisition in 2018 of the Port Elizabeth based Transport Components, now boast 10 branches in SA,” he says.
While André undoubtedly had his hands full at BPW Axles, he didn’t fail to put back into the industry – and he played a vital role at the Institute of Road Transport Engineers (IRTE) over the years. “Being in the industry, it was almost natural or a must to join the IRTE. I did so in late 2000/early 2001, and almost immediately was elected to join the steering committee of the Johannesburg centre. I have served on the committee ever since, in many roles, which included secretary, deputy chairman and chairman,” he remembers.
Under his tenure, it wasn’t a case of BPW focusing on business only though. In 2010, the company introduced its now-legendary “German Evening”. “It was an annual event to thank stakeholders (end-users, customers, suppliers, service providers and industry friends alike) for their contribution to the success of BPW in the South African market. We wanted to be a little different. There are so many other events in our industry (so many golf days, for instance), and to have one more of the same seemed boring. So, being a German company, we decided on something German: the food, the beer, the entertainment, the dress code … real German Gemütlichkeit!” André recalls. Sadly, the German Evening had to be put on hold for 2020 and 2021 due to Covid; I know lots of people who dearly miss this fabulous event (yours truly included).
But, above all, the focus was on growing the business – and André did a superb job of making this happen. “Over the last 20 years, we saw our market share grow from below 5% to over 30%. In axle volumes, it means we now produce in one month the same number of axles as in the whole 1999 year. We also employ 2,5 times the number of people (versus 1999).”
Throughout it all, he has remained humble. “Together with the rest of the management team here in South Africa, we have seen BPW Axles being blessed with wonderful growth, not only in size but also in market penetration, to become a force to be reckoned with, and well respected by all players in the local market.
“Growth does not come without support from our stakeholders, and I would therefore like to thank all our friends in the transport industry (transport fleets, vehicle builders, parts distributors, workshops, trade media, industry forums, and … and …) for wonderful business relationships and friendships over the years. The same goes for our local suppliers, as well as the service providers, with many of whom we have long-standing relationships.
“I have always tried to surround myself with capable people. The teamwork and enthusiasm that accompanied this, as well as being an unbelievable gift, is the reason for our success,” he maintains.
André also recalls his days of being an “engineer in training” in the very early 1980s. “One of my mentors, Dr Raymond Loubser, said to me: ‘You will know that you have done well when you have worked yourself out of a job…’ I think I am there now,” he says with a chuckle.
I beg to differ.
Congrats to joint MDs
Our congratulations go to the new joint managing directors of BPW Axles, Susan Pretorius and Max Guerini. Their appointment is effective July 1, 2021. Both have more than 20 years of experience at BPW.
Published by
Charleen Clarke