
New Tata Ultra: World-class allrounder

New Tata Ultra: World-class allrounder June 24, 2024 Tata Motors recently launched its new generation Ultra smart truck range in South Africa. ROWAN WATT-PRINGLE reports that customers are already benefitting from the two versatile models, with the Ultra T.9 and T.14 boosting profitability in a range of applications. The commercial launch of the multipurpose heavy duty Ultra range was announced by Tata Motors and its local distributor, Tata Africa Holdings Limited (Tata Africa), which is responsible for the retail and […]

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Structuring sustainability in Africa’s image

Structuring sustainability in Africa’s image February 5, 2024 At times, it feels a little bit like everyone is throwing all their eggs into the electric mobility basket, and that South Africa and other developing countries are clinging to the coattails of European advances, instead of visualising their own path forward. While there is obviously no need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to renewable energy and greener transport, South Africa has an opportunity to create sustainable transport solutions in […]

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