
Are quality regulations an exercise in futility?

Are quality regulations an exercise in futility? May 31, 2023 An effective harmonised “quality regulation” system was mooted back in 2010. What has happened since then? Too little, reports NICK PORÉE. The terms of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Protocol on Transport, Communications and Meteorology (PTCM) reveal an underlying 19th century philosophy of negotiated terms of trade between member states. The emphasis is on a regulatory structure to protect national interests, which are established by means of bilateral agreements […]

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Transport Skills and the Challenges of the SA School System

Transport Skills and the Challenges of the SA School System May 17, 2023 The transport and logistics systems in South Africa are facing critical challenges to future efficiency, due to the decreasing availability of technical, managerial, and operational skills, writes NICK PORÉE. The danger of the situation is aggravated by the continual expansion of the logistics sector and the increasing sophistication of the equipment and technology. The ageing population of fully qualified managers and technicians and the continual leakage of […]

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Road to Rail: The Elusive Holy Grail?

Road to Rail: The Elusive Holy Grail? April 5, 2023 Once again, we’re hearing that South Africa needs to move freight from road to rail. NICK PORÉE reiterates that this strategy is severely flawed… It is apparent that the railway strategy is now being driven by the Department of Transport (DoT), although that department has yet to be formally given responsibility for Transnet. The DoT has issued a Draft Rail Private Sector Participation Framework (PSPF) in an attempt to attract […]

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Strategic chaos

Strategic chaos March 9, 2023 South Africa’s transport and logistics industry is facing a challenging period of ideologically and politically induced “frictions” and obstacles to efficiency and the achievement of competitive global standards. We urgently need to decide what future we want, and how to get there, writes Nick PORÉE. The continual dilution of competence in the management of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) has now caused them to fail the country, to the detriment of all. Unemployment is the worst in […]

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The Future of Freight Logistics in South Africa

The Future of Freight Logistics in South Africa February 16, 2023 The history of South Africa is too often described in terms of conflicts and competition, without recognition of the cooperation between all those who enabled the creation of the most advanced society on the continent, says NICK PORÉE. The symbols of our ruling party – the wagon wheel and assegai – commemorate progress and resistance but do not promote recognition of the collaboration and efforts of the many peoples […]

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How to cost transport operations

How to cost transport operations February 10, 2023 Operating a commercial vehicle? NICK PORÉE has some invaluable advice for anyone entering – or wishing to learn more about – the transport industry. One of the most critical factors for success in the management of transport operations is the cost calculation for owning and operating vehicles. Expenditure (current spending) does not give indications of the actual costs being incurred; operating costs increase over the life of a vehicle. Brakes, clutches, and tyres […]

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Policy or Polly says?

Policy or Polly says? January 19, 2023 As we look forward to 2023, Nick PORÉE reviews the White Paper on National Transport Policy gazetted in 2021 by the Department of Transport (DoT), since it is an indication of future government intentions. The document parrots ill-defined, generalised policy prescriptions and intentions but does not offer any definite major improvements or clarity on implementation. It appears to echo structural nuances from the command framework of the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition […]

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Costs versus expenses

Costs versus expenses January 18, 2023 In any discussion of “costs” we must make the distinction between cost and expenditure (payments and orders). Not recognising the difference is a major reason for the failure of new transport businesses, explains NICK PORÉE A new or quality used vehicle may run for some time requiring only payments for fuel and some servicing. It may seem to make a handsome profit. There are, however, costs of wear and usage that will only […]

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Freight operations management demystified

Freight operations management demystified January 18, 2023 It is extremely challenging to manage freight transport. NICK PORÉE demystifies the process with some easy-to-follow pointers. The transport of goods is the part of the production process that takes place in the public space instead of inside business premises. The management of freight transport is challenging due to regulations pertaining to the vehicles, drivers, and operations designed to protect the infrastructure and ensure road safety. The management process is complicated by […]

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Skills shortage could bring industry to its knees!

Skills shortage could bring industry to its knees! December 15, 2022 It is becoming more and more difficult to find people with the skills to keep trucks on the road. NICK PORÉE warns that the transport industry could find itself in dire straits as a result.  One of the most serious threats to the transport industry’s future (in all modes) is the increasing difficulty of maintaining and repairing vehicles and equipment, due to the decreasing availability of technical competence. The […]

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