
Cry our beloved drivers

Cry our beloved drivers June 26, 2023 I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m getting so tired of reading about corruption on our continent. It just never seems to end, and I feel desperately sorry for the drivers who are constantly targeted. Sometimes I think that they have the worst job on the planet. Recently I came across an article about trucking into the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It reminded me – once again – why […]

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The Role of Women in Motorsport

The Role of Women in Motorsport June 22, 2023   Women’s World Car of the Year is celebrating International Women Drivers’ Day on June 24th by drawing attention to the role of women in motorsport. According to a recent survey, a total of 17.9% of those interviewed do not know any female drivers and 28.5% approve of separate categories based on gender. Women’s World Car of the Year is celebrating June 24th, International Women Drivers’ Day, by drawing attention to […]

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Battery-electrics, big numbers, bonnets, and bling

Battery-electrics, big numbers, bonnets, and bling June 7, 2023 There were three overriding themes at this year’s Brisbane Truck Show. On the one hand, lots of trucks with internal combustion engines, bonnets, and loads of bling were on display. On the other, there were many battery-electric vehicles on the stands – notably light and medium-duty trucks. In between all this, there was a celebration of significant milestones. CHARLEEN CLARKE attempted to take it all in. Big, beautiful, bonneted trucks were […]

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Good news at last!

Good news at last! May 26, 2023 I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am so done with bad news. I’ve had enough! But (cue the trumpets) as we were wrapping up this issue of FOCUS I received very good news. Apparently South Africa is well positioned to tap into its potential, and one of our secret weapons is the Ubuntu factor. The news arrived on my desk following a leadership forum for leaders within the financial […]

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Take a bow, South Africa!

Take a bow, South Africa! April 28, 2023 The World Bank has released its 2023 Logistics Performance Index report… and South Africa has done surprisingly well! Not a day goes by that I don’t get a complaint about South Africa’s dismal performance when it comes to logistics. Either trucks are stuck in queues at border posts, or customs is closed due to load shedding, or the trains are kaput… or all three at once. The messy situation is confirmed over […]

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Farewell to a bus and coach legend

Farewell to a bus and coach legend May 2, 2023 Bazil Govender, SABOA’s executive manager, is leaving the association at the end of April. CHARLEEN CLARKE caught up with him one last time prior to his departure… FOCUS was appointed as SABOA’s official magazine just over a year ago. Since then, we’ve worked with Bazil on an almost daily basis. His commitment to the bus and coach industry was evident from the start, as were his incredible patience and tenacity […]

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Please Madame Minister…

Please Madame Minister… March 29, 2023 Minister of Transport Fikile Mbalula is gone. Well, gone from the Department of Transport – which can only be a good thing. We really hope that his successor will do a much better job… Poor Sindisiwe Chikunga. She’s been handed a hospital pass. I wouldn’t want the job of Minister of Transport for all the tea in China. Can you imagine sitting down and thinking about how to fix Transnet – if indeed this […]

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Kia Niro wins Women’s World Car of the Year

Kia Niro wins Women’s World Car of the Year March 10, 2023 Which is the best car in the world – according to women? It’s the Kia Niro, which has just been selected as the 2023Women’s World Car of the Year. The winning car has been announced today – March 8 – on International Women’s Day. The Niro was chosen by the Women’s World Car of the Year (WWCOTY) jury, which comprises 63 female motoring journalists from 43 countries across […]

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Budget speech or cartoon?

Budget speech or cartoon? February 24, 2023 Jonathan Shapiro – aka Zapiro – must be one of our country’s greatest assets. Watching the Budget Speech, I could not help but think of one of his recent cartoons… I’m not bashing government in saying that the speech reminded me of a cartoon. Definitely not. I have deep sympathy for our poor Finance Minister, Enoch Godongwana. I really wouldn’t want his job. But, watching the speech, I was reminded of one of […]

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Anger meets optimism

Anger meets optimism February 10, 2023 As a new year dawns, I find myself facing the year ahead with a rather odd concoction of emotions: anger and optimism. Let’s kick off with the anger. Like so many South Africans, I feel immense anger at load shedding. But I’m not even going to go there. It’s all been said and done. Adding my voice to those of millions of others isn’t going to achieve anything. Maybe I won’t achieve anything with […]

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